

A comparison of various methods for the detection of isoniazid and its metabolites in urine.

Venkataraman, P.; Eidus, L.; Ramachandran, K.; Tripathy, S.P.

Tubercle; 1965; 46; 262-269.

A comparison of different tests for the detection of free isoniazid and its metabolites was made on specimens of urine obtained from volunteers and patients who received isoniazid. The Kasik test for isonicotinic acid and the acetylisoniazid test were found to be of similar sensitivity and more sensitive than the combined N-M test. A paper test for free isoniazid was the least sensitive of all the methods studied and, in addition, exhibited the highest proportion of false positive results. The Belles and Littleman test for isonicotinic acid was as sensitive as the Kasik test but it can be performed only in laboratories equipped with a chemical hood and provided with trained laboratory staff. On account of its simplicity and high sensitivity, the acetylisoniazid test recommended for routine use in assessing and controlling the regularity with which patients self-administer isoniazid.


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