

Fluorescence test for the detection of ethionamide metabolites in urine.

Venkataraman, P.; Eidus, L.; Tripathy, S.P.; Velu, S.

Tubercle; 1967; 48; 291-296.

A test for the detection of metabolites of ethionamide in urine is described. It is based on the observation that these metabolites fluorescence under the effect of ultra-violet light.

         In studies on volunteers and patients, the test showed positive results in 86% of specimens collected at 1-3 hours after administering 0.5 g. of ethionamide, and in 100% of those collected at 4-18 hours following administration of the drug. The specimens collected at 24 and 48 hours showed positive results in 85% and 38%, respectively. The test is simple, specific and reproducible.


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