

The Sodium nitroprusside test for the detection of isoniazid and acetylisoniazid in urine.

Nageswara Rao, K.V.; Eidus, L.; Jacob, C.V.; Radhakrishna, S.; Tripathy, S.P.

Tubercle; 1967; 48; 45-50.

A test, using alkaline sodium nitroprusside and acetic acid as reagents, is described for detecting the presence of isoniazid and acetylisoniazid in urine. The test result is positive in all urine specimen collected at eight hours after administration of 200 mg. or 400 mg. of isoniazid, and in about 90% of the specimens collected between 10 and 12 hours. The test appears to be slightly more sensitive than the paper test of Gangadharam, Nair and Subbaiah (1962) for free isoniazid, but is appreciably less sensitive than the acetylisoniazid test of Eidus and Hamilton (1964). It does not suffer any interference from streptomycin, PAS and thioacetazone (thioacetazone) at conventional dosages used in clinical practice, but is affected by pyrazinamide, cycloserine and ethionamide.


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