

Response to treatment with isoniazid plus PAS of tuberculous patients with primary isoniazid resistance.

Tripathy, S.P.; Menon, N.K.; Mitchison, D.A.; Narayana, A.S.L.; Somasundaram, P.R.; Stott, H.; Velu, S.

Tubercle; 1969; 50; 257-268.

The response to treatment with isoniazid plus PAS was studied in 30 patients with primary isoniazid resistance and 459 patients with initially isoniazid-sensitive cultures. The patients with primary isoniazid resistance responded substantially less well, as assessed by the extent of radiographic improvement, disappearance of cavitation, negativity on culture and bacteriological status at six and at 12 months; also, cultures isolated from these patients at six months were more often resistant to PAS. Even so, there was suggestive evidence that they had derived some benefit from treatment with isoniazid.


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