

Comparison of plain egg medium with Lowenstein-Jensen medium in the isolation of M. tuberculosis from sputum.

Venkataraman, P.; Narayana, A.S.L.; Prabhakar, R.; Tripathy, S.P.

Indian Journal of Medical Research; 1979; 70; 875-879.

The isolation of tubercle bacilli from sputum using a plain egg (PE) medium and the conventional Lowenstein-Jensen (L-J) medium has been investigated on 703 specimens. The isolation of positive cultures and the grades of positivity were similar with the two media. There was an indication that the growth on the PE medium was faster than on L-J medium. The incidence of contamination was similar and low (4.0 per cent on PE and 3.8 per cent on L-J medium). Being cheaper and simpler than L-J medium, the PE medium is ideally suited for the routine culturing of tubercle bacilli.


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