

Influence of HLA-DR and -DQ phenotypes on tuberculin reactive status in pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

Selvaraj, P.; Reetha, A.M.; Uma, H.; Theresa Xavier; Janardhanam, B.; Prabhakar, R.; Narayanan, P.R.

Tubercle and Lung Disease; 1996; 77; 369-373.

Setting : HLA and tuberculin status in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Tuberculosis Research Centre, Indian Council of Medical Research, Madras, India.

Objective : To elucidate the role of HLA-class-II genes/gene products on tuberculin reactivity in pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

Design : Serological determination of HLA-DR and -DQ antigens was carried out in 62 healthy control subjects and 146 pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The tuberculin reaction pattern of pulmonary tuberculosis patients to PPD was studied and the role of HLA-DR and -DQ antigens (class-II gene products) on tuberculin reaction was analysed.

Results : HLA-DR and -DQ antigens did not influence high, medium and low tuberculin reaction dramatically in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients. However, a heterozygous combination of various HLA-DR antigens influenced the tuberculin reaction.

Conclusion : The HLA-genetic make up (heterozygous combination) of the individual may influence the tuberculin reaction pattern in pulmonary tuberculosis.


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