

Risk Factors for non-adherence to directly observed treatment (DOT) in a rural tuberculosis unit, south India.

Gopi, P.G.; Vasantha, M.; Muniyandi, M.; Chandrasekaran, V.; Balasubramanian, R.; Narayanan, P.R.

Indian Journal of Tuberculosis; 2007; 54; 66-70.

Summary: Objective: To identify risk factors for non-adherence of tuberculosis (TB) patients to DOT.

Methods: Retrospective study of TB patients by logistic regression analysis to identify risk factors for non-adherece.

Results: Of the 1666 patietns interviewed, 1108 (67%) adhered and 558 (33%) did not adhere to DOT. Of 558 patients, the risk factors associated with non-adherence were illiteracy (39%), diffculty in accessing health facility (57%) and non-government DOT centre (43%).

Conclusion: Patients should be educated about tuberculosis and importance of DOT. All DOT centers, including non-government DOT centers, should be made more accessible and patient-friendly.

Keywords: TB, non-adherence, DOT


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