

A diagnostic check on Cox PH model using residuals for TB meningitis data.


Ramadurai, M.; Ponnuraja, C.


International Journal of Current Research; 2011; 33; 96-100.     


Abstract: In survival analysis, the Cox PH model is a breakthrough in that the effects of the covariates on survival times have been studied, by fitting models using the sample data. Once a model has been fitted, there are a number of aspects of the fit of the model that need to be studied. One of the model checking procedures is based on quantities known as residuals, such as Cox-Snell residuals, Schoenfeld residuals etc. TB Meningitis is one of the diseases which mainly affect children. In this paper, the Cox PH model is fitted for TB Meningitis data collected from the Tuberculosis Research Centre, ICMR, Chennai, which consist of survival times of children along with other covariates. The fitted model is assessed for its proportionality assumption through Schoenfeld residuals.


Keywords: Cox PH model; Schoenfeld residuals; TB meningitis


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