

MtbSD–A comprehensive structural database for Mycobacterium tuberculosis .


Hassan, S.; Logambiga, P.; Raman, A.M.; Subazini, T.K.; Kumaraswami, V.; Hanna, L.E.


Tuberculosis; 2011; 91; 556-562.           


Summary: The Mycobacterium tuberculosis Structural Database (MtbSD) ( http://bmi.icmr.org.in/mtbsd/MtbSD.php ) is a relational database for the study of protein structures of M. tuberculosis . It currently holds information on description, reaction catalyzed and domains involved, active sites, structural homologues and similarities between bound and cognate ligands, for all the 857 protein structures that are available for M. tb proteins. The database will be a valuable resource for TB researchers to select the appropriate proteineligand complex of a given protein for molecular modelling, docking, virtual screening and structure-based drug designing.


Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis ; Proteins; Ligands; Domains; Database


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