

Is migration a factor leading to default under RNTCP?

Jaggarajamma, K.; Muniyandi, M.; Chandrasekaran, V.; Sudha, G.; Thomas, A.; Gopi, P.G.; Santha, T.

Indian Journal of Tuberculosis; 2006; 53; 33-36.

Summary: Objective : To study the contribution of migration to treatment default among tuberculosis patients treated under RNTCP.

Methods : Retrospective study by interviewing the defaulters using semi-structured interview schedule to elicit the reasons for default including migration.

Results : Of the 531 patients registered under TB programme in 3rd and 4th quarters of 2001, 104 (20%) had defaulted for treatment. Among defaulters, 24% had migrated. The reasons for migration were: occupational (48%), returning to the native place (28%), domestic problems (12%) and other illnesses (12%).

Conclusion : After initiation of treatment, patients should be encouraged to report to the provider, if they are leaving the area, to transfer treatment to the nearest centre to ensure continuity of treatment. These measures will help to reduce default on account of migration and achieve the desired outcome in RNTCP. Availability of treatment under the DOTS strategy should be popularized among patients, providers and community.

eywords : Tuberculosis, migration, default, DOT, RNTCP


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