
Bacterial isolates of lower respiratory tract infection among subjects with and without HIV from south India.


Ramakrishnan, K.; Shenbagarathai, R.; Binuramesh, C.; Kavitha, K.; Uma, A.; Thirumalai- kolundusubramanian, P.; Rathinasabapati, R.


International Journal of Biological and Medical Research; 2018; 9(3): 6438-6440.


Abstract: Summary: LRTI is defined as respiratory infection occurring below the cricoid's cartilage. As HIV positive patients are susceptible to many lower respiratory infections (LRTI). This study aimed at to find out the prevalence and pattern of various bacterial isolates of LRTI among subjects with and without HIV. Expectorated sputum was collected and subjected for microscopic examination. The sputum specimens were inoculated into blood, MacConkey's and nutrient agar. They were evaluated clinically, radiologically and microbiologically. Tuberculosis infection was diagnosed by sputum and its smear growth on Lowenstein-Jensen culture media, among 143 patients, 16 (24.6%) of the 65 HIV positive and 36 (46%) of the 78 HIV negative. Single bacterial infection with Streptococcus pyogens and Staphylococcus aureus were more in HIV+TB+ patients (i.e. 9% and 27.3% respectively) than HIV+TB-. The prevalence of Klebsiella sp. infection was higher (18.9%) among HIV+TB- patients but HIV-TB- patients failed to show the presence of any such organisms. The occurrence of S. pyogens and S. aureus (16% and 25%) were more among HIV-TB+ patients than HIV-TB-patients (2.2% and 4.5%). Findings suggest that gram-positive bacterial infections were common in TB patients irrespective of HIV status. HIV positives patients were more prone for gram negative bacterial infections.


Keywords: Prevalence; HIV; AIDS; Mycobacterium tuberculosis ; cough; bacterial infection  



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